Interventional Orthopedics uses cellular therapy to help your body heal from injuries that would previously require surgical intervention.  There are three types of Regenerative Medicine products used at The Osteopathic Way.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection is a process in which the blood is used to obtain regenerative tissues. This process works by drawing blood similar to what happens when a family doctor checks labs. Using a special process we are able to concentrate the platelets into Platelet Rich Plasma. At The Osteopathic Way we use either of 2 main types of Platelet Rich Plasma depending on the exact diagnosis. This gives you the best chance  to heal. 

Cellular Therapy

Cellular Therapy uses cells from your own bone marrow. The mesenchymal stem cells present in the bone marrow have the potential to differentiate into any type of musculoskeletal cell in the body. Our therapy takes cells from an area of higher concentration and transplants them (through injection) to the exact site of injury, using ultrasound guidance to ensure precise placement.  


Proliferative (Prolo) Therapy

Proliferative therapy or prolotherapy typically involves injecting local anesthetic, dextrose and other substance to the injured or damaged tissue. This activates the body’s immune cells, stimulating the inherent capacity of the body to heal on its own.